ECO DOG TOILET „for cleaner and more beautiful world“
The unique technology protected by worldwide patent is interesting in its simplicity and ingenuity. ECO TOILET DOG is, in fact, sanitary facilities for dogs, which is a unique, sophisticated and one of its kind worldwide.Environmentally and efficiently addressing disposal and neutralization of dog excrement in public places and residential areas in cities from the outset. Limiting the contact of canine urine and faeces with the surrounding environment and the subsequent contamination that dog waste can cause. ECO TOILET DOG is a solution for cleaner and more beautiful world!

Technology behind ECO DOG TOILET
ECO DOG TOILET STATION contains a patented ingredient with dog pheromones are gradually released into the environment that actively attract dogs to carry out their dog excrement in the station and does not contaminate the surrounding area.

It should be noted that the ECO DOG TOILET station is a revolutionary new device with which to be used by a dog owner and dog himself, first to familiarize and learn to use it properly and regularly.

Benefits of ECO DOG TOILET
Removal of solid and liquid excrements of dogs in playgrounds, residential areas, parks, public areas, service stations, rest areas, surrounding residential buildings and shopping centers, as well as houses…
- ECO DOG TOILET STATION actively attracts dogs to perform needs within the station
- Contains a proprietary ingredient with dog pheromones that are gradually released into the environment
- Pheromones soothe dogs who want to mark territory with urine
- Pheromone component is specially created by our experts and is formed from purely natural elements