- 1. There are no more unpleasant „gifts“ on the shoes home, in the car, to work…
since there is no longer anything to accidentally tread on - 2. The world is suddenly fragrant – no spread of the unpleasant odour
- 3. Clean parks and playgrounds with happy parents and children
- 4. The possibility of infection of people, especially children and pregnant women, with millions of bacteria and parasites in dog excrementdisappears
- 5. Healthier dogs by reducing the risk of infection from other dogs excrements
- 6. Minimize the risk of contamination of groundwater, rivers and beaches containing dangerous dog excrement
- 7. Reducing the risk of soil contamination
- 8. An alternative solution for the obligation to collect dog excrement and the issuing of high fines to the dog owners
- 9. Cleanliness of streets and parks increases the quality of life, boosting the nation’s culture and attractive places for tourism and tourists
- 10. This eliminates the costly consequences of environmental pollution caused by dog excrement